People Lives Broken Apart

People Lives Broken Apart

Friday, November 26, 2010

Innocence Project of Florida

Comments and Pings on “Video Update on (Innocence Project of Florida), IPF Activities”

1.)  I have live in Palm Bay, Florida (Brevard) since 1968; in 2005 I started to notice that too many people were being arrested, some people because of CODE ENFORCEMENT. But people were being accused of thing that did not make any sense, too many arrests, it was this thing that was too noticeable, newspapers have pages of arrests. Up until 2007, it was just something that did not make any sense; but when my mother was defrauded by Joseph Poteat a Palm Bay City Utility worker we stated to see why there are so many arrests. (Joseph Poteat created a fake Estate Will). For my mothers case we contacted the Palm Bay Police; the Palm Bay Police told us that since Joseph Poteat was a Palm Bay City employee they would not get involved. The police threatened us that if we continued to question the City of Palm Bay and go to city council meetings that they would make-up crimes against us. Make this very clear: back then the Palm Bay Police told us that they worked for Lee Feldman, the City Manager; and that he was their boss. MAKE THIS CRYSTAL CLEAR: THE POLICE SAID THEY WORK FOR THE CITY MANAGER, NOT THE CITY OF PALM BAY! I did attend city council meeting, up until the threats got out of hand, our vehicles were stopped by the police at gun point, we were told by the Palm Bay Police that we could be knifed, shot or stabbed if we continued to attend city council meeting, so we stop going, and we have been accused of all kinds of crimes, made-up, crazy, and insane crimes ever since. Arrests are no longer about actual crimes; it’s about power of the city, money, and the bullying of police. It does not matter if a person is innocent, even if there is evidence of innocence, the courts will ignore it, the counts want convictions, not innocence, and the money is in the conviction. I attend court proceeding and one thing is too obvious: you will hear is ….and $250 paid to the Palm Bay Police. …and $150 paid to the Palm Bay Police …and $350 etc. We have a real problem in Florida, arresting people for made-up crimes to generate money; we have an even bigger problem with suppressing valid evidence of innocence. BUT MORE THAN THAT WE HAVE AN EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM, IN THE COURTROOM, WHEN THE STATE ATTORNEY IS RUNNING THE SHOW, NOT THE JUDGE! As I watch more and more Brevard courtroom procedures; I watch as the Judges ask favors of the State Attorney, the Judges even ask the State Attorney how to run their own courtroom, and what ruling to make. I can not imagine how horrible it must be for people to have lost their lives (be incarcerated) by this break-down in Constitution Liberties. I encourage everyone to get involved, speak-up and stop this abuse.

Sandra Karwel — November 19, 2010 @ 9:09 am

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